Monday, March 3, 2008

Dazzled by the Dawgs

Monica had an AMAZING weekend, mostly captured by this first picture... Monica has been the #1 fan of our senior point guard, Emily Florence, since Monica was old enough to recognize a basketball. She loves to watch Emily and cheer for her. Yesterday was Emily's last home game as a Husky. After the game we attended a reception where the players and coaches spoke for a few moments. As Coach Tia was speaking, Monica (who was crouched in front with me so she could have a good view) caught Emily's eye. Monica gave a huge embarassed grin and the whole team collectively went "awwwww!" Coach Tia noticed and asked Monica if she wanted to come and stand by the team, to which shy Monica jumped behind me to hide! Then Emily came over and gave Monica a hug, while Coach Tia narrated the "Hallmark Moment" to the whole crowd! After the speeches, Emily and Monica posed for a picture. Monica had stars in her eyes!!!
The game itself was AWESOME! We upset Cal 74-66. This was especially exciting because Cal was ranked #8 in the country!
Here area few other shots from the game:

National Anthem

Emily speaking to the crowd at the post-game reception

Monica and her friend Emma cheering at the game

All four of us outside of Hec-Ed

Today I walked into the living room to find Monica sitting under a blanket on the couch reading the Husky Press Guide from cover to cover. Coach Applin gave Monica her very own copy yesterday. Monica spent at least 30 minutes today reading it. Perhaps the genetic Husky Fever condition that has passed from Great Grandpa Ray to Grandpa Mike to me is now manifesting itself in Monica!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore