Monday, February 4, 2008

Work and Play

Life goes on here in Kramerica, even with Anton on the couch. He is feeling better each day and he has had some great quotes while on vicadin:

While watching the news:
Anton: "Wow, Kelly O'Donnell is HOT!" (Inhibitions?)

Anne: "What's the superbowl score now?"
Anton: "It's um, they started late. Yeah, it's just started. So it's tied. I mean there's no score. Wait no, the Giants scored. But there's no time gone yet." (Wow, how did this answer my question?)

So in addition to TV watching, Anton has been resting, reading, and interacting with the kids when possible. It's definitely been busy for me, to say the least. I think I sat down for a total of 15 minutes today! But now as the evening is waning, I have a few moments to post some images from today:
It's not too cold to play outside today!!!
"Can't we play out there too??"

"Hey, forget that outside stuff. Banging lids on the tile floor is MUCH more exciting!"

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore