Thursday, February 28, 2008
Floor puzzle

Saturday, February 23, 2008
A Bouncy Party
Today we had a kids' party for Monica at the Renton Community Center. During the first hour all the little ones were in a room full of toys, including an inflatable bouncy thing. It was chaotic, but they all loved it. We were then in a party room for an hour where Monica opened presents and everyone had pizza and cake.
It was a great DORA adventure... from the tablecloths to the cake decorations. And thanks to the generosity of friends, Monica is now equipped with enough Dora gear to open her own outlet!
Overall, the party was great. Despite the kid to parent ratio being somewhat scary, the kids were amazingly well behaved and had a great time. Monica (and we) are so fortunate to have great friends in our lives!

Friday, February 22, 2008
Crazies on the road
Monica and Jack are embracing the weather with a surge of outdoor interest... they burst out into the front yard any time the door is open, even if they don't have any shoes on. This creates a lot of laundry, but it's pretty cute. Today while I unloaded the Honda, they had some fun...

Thursday, February 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Dear Monica
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sunday, February 17, 2008
A Day in the Dawghouse
Monica and I spent most of the day at Hec Ed with Great Grandma, Grandpa Mike, and Nana Barb. We started with the alumni game at noon and didn't leave until the autograph session ended at 4! Anton and Jack stayed home for quieter activities.
Monica had a great time and enjoyed some of her favorite activities at the Dawghouse:
-watching her favorite player: #4 Emily Florence
-eating a hot dog with ketchup AND mustard
-playing ball in the foyer with Mom, Nana Barb, Grandpa, or just throwing it against the wall by herself
-asking Grandpa Mike for popcorn
-eating the popcorn that Grandpa buys for her
-keeping track of where Harry the Husky (mascot) is throughout the game
-commenting on the cheer staff
-guessing what the halftime entertainment will be
-finding Kari (Peterson) Hager in the crowd
-asking if we are ahead, even though she can read the scoreboard
-waiting in line after the game to get autographs from the players
Monica's objectives are somewhat different from MY favorite game-day activities, which include:
-drinking a large mountain dew
-browsing the Husky team shop for essential gear such as car flags and purple beads
-fashion-checking our coaching staff
-seeing how many 80s songs I can recognize from the band's playlist
-catching up with Mom, Dad, and Grandma
-waving at and sometimes chatting with Kari (Peterson) Hager
-yelling at the refs
-watching current highlights such as Katelan's shooting ability, Emily's amazing nose for the ball on rebounds, and Andrea's close range shot
-yelling at the opposing coach to sit down
-yelling at the refs some more
-commentating back and forth with my father
-securing another victory
I especially enjoyed watching the Husky alumni game today which took place before the regular game. While some of the players seemed as good as ever, others looked like they hadn't touched a ball since graduating, making me feel better about my own mediocre performance on Wednesday! Maybe the Husky alums will be sore tomorrow too!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Hitting the Hardwood
I am home now enjoying my post-game, post-shower mozarella sticks and mountain dew. We'll see how sore I am tomorrow!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day

It's hard to say which is Monica's favorite holiday: Christmas or Valentine's Day. Here are a few pros for each, as she would describe them.
More Presents
Singing "Jingle Bells" and "Up on the Housetop"
Candy and sweets
Singing Happy Birthday to Jesus
Valentine's Day:
So many pink things everywhere
Hearts everywhere
Candy and sweets
Making cards for friends
Decorating the house with hearts
Wearing pink, red, or hearts
It's so close to my birthday!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Anton and Doug are both delegates from their precincts and will be moving on to the county level on April 13.

Thursday, February 7, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Politics and Playing Ball
Monday, February 4, 2008
Work and Play
While watching the news:
Anton: "Wow, Kelly O'Donnell is HOT!" (Inhibitions?)
Anne: "What's the superbowl score now?"
Anton: "It's um, they started late. Yeah, it's just started. So it's tied. I mean there's no score. Wait no, the Giants scored. But there's no time gone yet." (Wow, how did this answer my question?)
So in addition to TV watching, Anton has been resting, reading, and interacting with the kids when possible. It's definitely been busy for me, to say the least. I think I sat down for a total of 15 minutes today! But now as the evening is waning, I have a few moments to post some images from today:
"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."
-George Moore