Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Friday at Camp

Friday we gathered up our kids plus Kyle and Tyler for a day trip to Parsons. We had an awesome time... the perfect break from painting and other such activities.
Julie and her daughter Sara brought out one of their goats and chickens for the kids to hold:

We played on Pier Beach after lunch to stay out of the way of the Patrol Competition.

Sticks, rocks, logs to climb on. What more do boys need to be happy?

We took a two-mile hike up the dump road to the nature trail and had awesome views. In my state-of-excessive-growth I wasn't much faster than the toddlers, but hey-- at least I made it without going into labor. "Dr. McNellis, please report to the clearcut..."
We headed home right after campfire. All four kids were asleep by the Hood Canal Bridge.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore