Friday, April 30, 2010

Morning Conversations

This was my conversation with Jack at breakfast today:
Jack: When I grow up I want to be a teacher.
Me: Oh, just like mom and dad?
Jack- Uh-huh!
(Quiet thinking.)
Jack: What do you want to be when you grow up, Mommy?
Me: I still haven't decided yet, Jack.
Jack: You can be a fire-fighter, or maybe a painter!
Me: Those are good ideas.
Jack: And Daddy can be a football player!

And later in the car with Monica, who was drawing on her magic-board:
Monica: Ugh! This is so hard!
Me: What are you doing? Trying to trace your hand with the pen?
Monica: Yeah. Are you tracing your hand too Mommy?
Me: No I'm driving the car, remember?
Monica: Oh yeah, right.

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore