Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Summer Themes

We returned home about 14 hours before Anton and I had to be back at work. Nothing like cutting it close. It was a bit of a shock to be back, but I was glad to see everyone at JFK and I think it's going to be a great school year.
Mike has already had several reflections on this summer on his blog. Here are some themes that emerged in '09 for us Kramers:

1. Neighbors-- we enjoyed a rolling schedule of visiting doctors and families next door, often with kids who played with M&J. We particularly had fun with the Fellins and Dahlbergs and their generosity in taking us out on their skiboats. Monica spent almost every day on the Dahlberg's boat during their stay at camp.

2. Costco runs-- Thanks to a water shortage and several breakdowns of the dishwasher, we used a lot of paper plates etc in the dining hall. This meant a lot of runs to Costco, which I tried to help Ken out with when I could. Just call me the Costco Queen.

3. Reading-- I read 2-3 books per week and Monica maxed out on the Jefferson county summer reading program. A very literary summer!

4. Record heat-- I can honestly say I have never exerperience a 105 degree day at Cp until this year.

5. Workaholic-- For various reasons, Anton was pretty overloaded with his job as trading post manager and business manager, and rarely got out of the office to spend time with us, except for the weekends of course. This was the only bummer part of the summer.

6. Milestones-- Jack got into a big boy bed and is now done with sippie cups. Monica learned to tie her shoes, passed her swim test, and went backpacking for the first time.
7. AARP-- I don't know what the average age of our staff was, but let's just say we might need to start offering medicare and holding AARP meetings! Just kidding... We love you Jim, Bill, Pam etc!

8. Visitors-- we had a record number of friends visit us at camp this year, but strangely got out of going to a record number of weddings!

9. Daredevils-- Both kids really came out of their shells and interacted with the staff. Monica learned the name of every staff member. Jack became much more independent running all over camp and Monica set a personal record with a 15 foot pier jump on Saturday!

10. Hikes-- when Anton did get out of the office, we enjoyed doing more extensive exploring of camp this year including the dump road, arboretum, and a few other trail blazing routes.
Until later, Cp... Tremble With Fear!

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"A person travels the world in search of what he needs and returns home to find it."

-George Moore