Then we assembled Monica's new bunk beds in her room. She chose to sleep on the top bunk of course (the bottom mattress can be added, but we're leaving room for extra toys down there right now). Monica is SO excited about her bunk beds, and Anton and I are SO excited about the fact that we were able to find them for only $100 including one mattress. We are definitely putting the Duggar family mantra of "buy used save the difference" into action!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Musical Beds
This week we've been playing a game of musical beds. We moved Monica's old bed into Jack's room so that he would have a permanent big boy bed at home.
Crab Feed!
Tonight we gathered with the Evans clan for a crab extravaganza. It was great to see everyone and the food was fantastic!
Yum: crab!
Playing in the backyard with Jack's coveted orange balloon.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Party Bardge
Saturday Monica attended a swimming party with the other girls who will be in her first grade class this year. It was held at a home on Lake Burien, which does not permit gas motors. Instead they used a little electric party bardge to give the kids a tour of the lake and let them jump off in deeper water. Monica and her friends had a great time!
Raise the Woof!
On Friday, Uncle Buck, my dad, Anton, and I went to "Raise the Woof" at Husky Stadium: a dinner/pep-rally/party to kick-off the 2009 Husky football season. It was awesome, probably the best Husky event I've ever been too. There were 1600 crazed fans there along with the entire team, coaching staff, players, and band. All the coaches spoke and I totally wish I'd had a video camera because they were insane!... leading cheers and going nuts! I was so pumped about Husky football when I left I didn't think I'd make it until the first game next Saturday!
Maybe not so bad...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Summer Themes
We returned home about 14 hours before Anton and I had to be back at work. Nothing like cutting it close. It was a bit of a shock to be back, but I was glad to see everyone at JFK and I think it's going to be a great school year.
Mike has already had several reflections on this summer on his blog. Here are some themes that emerged in '09 for us Kramers:
1. Neighbors-- we enjoyed a rolling schedule of visiting doctors and families next door, often with kids who played with M&J. We particularly had fun with the Fellins and Dahlbergs and their generosity in taking us out on their skiboats. Monica spent almost every day on the Dahlberg's boat during their stay at camp.
2. Costco runs-- Thanks to a water shortage and several breakdowns of the dishwasher, we used a lot of paper plates etc in the dining hall. This meant a lot of runs to Costco, which I tried to help Ken out with when I could. Just call me the Costco Queen.
3. Reading-- I read 2-3 books per week and Monica maxed out on the Jefferson county summer reading program. A very literary summer!
4. Record heat-- I can honestly say I have never exerperience a 105 degree day at Cp until this year.
5. Workaholic-- For various reasons, Anton was pretty overloaded with his job as trading post manager and business manager, and rarely got out of the office to spend time with us, except for the weekends of course. This was the only bummer part of the summer.
6. Milestones-- Jack got into a big boy bed and is now done with sippie cups. Monica learned to tie her shoes, passed her swim test, and went backpacking for the first time.
7. AARP-- I don't know what the average age of our staff was, but let's just say we might need to start offering medicare and holding AARP meetings! Just kidding... We love you Jim, Bill, Pam etc!
8. Visitors-- we had a record number of friends visit us at camp this year, but strangely got out of going to a record number of weddings!
9. Daredevils-- Both kids really came out of their shells and interacted with the staff. Monica learned the name of every staff member. Jack became much more independent running all over camp and Monica set a personal record with a 15 foot pier jump on Saturday!
10. Hikes-- when Anton did get out of the office, we enjoyed doing more extensive exploring of camp this year including the dump road, arboretum, and a few other trail blazing routes.
Until later, Cp... Tremble With Fear!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Back in the Swing
The minute we got back to camp, Anton dropped me at the cabin to fend for myself, then he and the kids ran off to the ski boat for an afternoon of tubing. Hrumph!
I’ve been taking it easy this week and have been fortunate to have my mom here for help for a few days. I’m starting get back to normal. Last night while Mike tried to convince us how funny the show “Newsradio” is, Greg and I finished off four bags of popcorn. Okay, well maybe I only had two servings, but the point is my appetite is back at least.
While I was gone, camp was in full swing, of course. Various staff members have started calling Monica the program director. I guess she succeeding in making John and Joe clean the office last week and yesterday she personally escorted Max by the hand to the tower so he could “get to work.” She is earning her blue lacing. She also insisted that Anton take her pier jumping at beach bonanza even though it was cool and overcast.
Last week they had a second birthday party for Jack, complete with cupcakes, and an art gallery tour led by Monica:
On Thursday Dad K took Anton and the kids to see their property at Lake Cushman, but unfortunately it rained on them.
Beautiful blue skies and calm waters today. I can’t believe that in just four days the summer of ’09 will be coming to a close at Parsons.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Camp Hahobas!
We had a busy end of week 6 with a rush of visitors to Cp. The Martins were here to see campfire etc., then Andrew Bodien stopped by, and finally Anton's brother Greg and his family:
Saturday afternoon we decided we were ready to get out of camp for a few hours. So what better place to go than... ANOTHER scout camp! I have been wanting to see Camp Hahobas for years, as it is the "other" scout camp on Hood Canal, but one we rarely hear much about. So off we went...
It is quite an interesting camp. It's huge, and I do mean HUGE. It's probably a two mile walk from one end to the other. They have three lakes but this one is most heavily used:
Their campfire bowl is kind of randomly put in the middle of camp with no view or ambiance. Of course I am spoiled by Parsons, but then when you see their spectacular view of Hood Canal...
Wow-ee wow-wow.
And this leads me to my Kramer-scout-camp-visitation report:
-You've got to be kidding me! They have this kind of view and don't even use it! Unbelievable!
-There is no dining hall. They have a kitchen next to an open air tin roofed structure with picnic tables.
-There is no central lodge or historical sites (that we saw) even though the camp has been around since the 30's.
-I can't say much about the program because I didn't witness it, but it seems to lack a certain amount of energy and tradition. (Again, we are spoiled.)
-Beautiful, huge property with lots of potential
-They offer shotgun, high ropes, civics, and other things that not all camps (including Parsons) offer
-Property is surrounded by state forest so they don't risk development creeping in
-From what we heard, it seems the camp is making a turnaround and is trying to improve their reputation and recruit more troops
I decided at the conclusion of the trip to make it a goal to visit every scout camp in western Washington and Oregon. So far I have been to three: Parsons, Pioneer, and Hahobas (Brinkley doesn't count because I haven't been there since the Pigott renovation). It's really the perfect day trip to make as a family or stop along the way of an overnight road trip. Also it's interesting as a former program director to see how how different camps run. When I told Anton I wanted to tackle the list of camps I asked if he thought I was nuts. He said something like "It's awesome. How many women would be excited about visiting even one Boy Scout camp, let alone ten!"
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Happy 3rd Birthday, Jack!
Yesterday we had a little birthday party for Jack with the Martins. Since we weren't doing anything extravagant for activites, I splurged on the cake. It was truly a work of art. Jack even got his own cupcake on the top.
Happy birthday, little man!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Beach Bonanza!
Dump Road Hike
It doesn't sound very glamorous by the name, but yesterday we ventured a family hike during free time in which we went: up the dump road, along the trail above Spencer Creek, over the creek, down through the clearcut to Rangers and back to camp. It is a beautiful hike and there are many trees there that are old-growth or close to it. To get a sense of the scale of these beauties, check out Monica standing next to one (first picture). It was a bit cooler yesterday but still sunny.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hyas Kloshe to Monica... a SWIMMER!
Yesterday Monica finally got to take her swim test. She has been aching to do it all summer, but we told her she had to practice a LOT. Even then Anton and I didn't think she would pass. We were hoping she'd at least make beginner (finish half of the test) and get half of her buddy tag colored. Here she is going down the ramp with Dad as her buddy:
1, 2, 3 Jump!
75 yards of a front stroke, 25 yards of backstroke, and floating on your back:

1, 2, 3 Jump!
75 yards of a front stroke, 25 yards of backstroke, and floating on your back:
Almost done:
After finishing the test, the beach crew asked Anton to demonstrate the trudgen, an archaic stroke that's really only used for sea rescues. Once a beach director, always a beach director!
Meanwhile, Monica celebrates and passed as a swimmer! BOTH red and blue on my tag, please, Dad!
Week 5 Randoms
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-George Moore